Tom Yum Goong

Eine würzige Suppe mit Garnelen und Zitronengras


Tom Yum Goong
  • Hauptgang
  • 4 Personen
  • 40
  • Mild
Tom Yum Goong


750 g Garnelen mit Kopf

70 ml Sonnenblumenöl

1400 ml Wasser

1 Zwiebel in Scheiben geschnitten

250 g Champignons in Scheiben geschnitten

Saft von 1 Limette

1 Limette in Scheiben


Zubereitungsmethode für Tom Yum Goong

  1. Pull the shrimp heads and place them in a wok or large frying pan. Peel the shrimps, but leave the tail on them and clean them (remove the intestinal tract).
  2. Add the oil to the frying pan and put on medium heat. Add a pinch of salt. Fry the shrimp heads to release their taste in the oil and cook them until they are red and crispy. Then turn off the heat and set it aside.
  3. Meanwhile, cut off the ends of the lemon grass stalks and remove the hard outer layers. Cut the lemongrass into 4 cm pieces.
  4. Crush the lemongrass, the galanga, the kaffir lime leaves, the onion, and the peppers with the side of a knife. Put the ingredients in a medium-sized soup pot, pour the water into the pot and bring to the boil together with the 'shrimp oil'. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes, until the broth smells clear and fragrant.
  5. Remove any tough pieces of lemongrass and throw them away. Turn up the heat. Stir in the mushrooms. Cook for 1 minute. Stir in the shrimp and fish sauce, cook until the shrimp are just tender, about 45 seconds.
  6. Turn off the heat and stir in the lime juice. Stir in 3-4 tablespoons shrimp oil. (Throw away the cups, do not add them to the soup.)
  7. Serve your homemade Tom Yum Goong with fresh lime wedges and coriander.
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Recept idee.png Serviervorschlag

Servieren Sie Ihr hausgemachtes Tom Yum Goong mit frischen Limettenspalten und Koriander

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